7.07.07 is the day where I plan to have a gathering again with the family. It has been quite sometime we do not sit & relax together while enjoying the food. This is another occasion where I had belanja the whole family for my promotion from normal UTC to Mutual Agency Supervisor. Last 2 years, we had makan2 at Damai Seafood reastaurant. At that time, I was promoted to Engineer 1. So guys, pray hard that I will get another promotion, insya Allah I'll belanja again, murah rezeki. Beside the promotion, it is my birthday, Pak Teh & Mak Teh birthday and nadia's birthday.

I had ordered plain rice, butter prawn, tom yam, beef & chicken satay, sotong goreng tepung, siakap stim, kerabu mangga, kerang bakar, pari bakar, tauhu jepun. The service is consider moderate. Overall was fine.. everybody were satisfied.

Lastly, we closed the gathering with upacara memotong kek. & I got the hadiah yea yea.. bestnyer.. Couldn't wait for next gathering.. in August is Kak Ija's birthday.. c u there!